'The mask has come off': White police chief rants online and Louisiana town hears echoes of racist past

by - September 18, 2016

New national post reports:
Sat Sep 17, 2016: JONESVILLE, La. - Sunday sermons had just ended when residents of this river town learned that a lone black gunman had killed three
police officers in Baton Rouge. Before the news could sink in, a profane message appeared on Facebook.

"Hey Mr. Bulls- president," it began. "When are you going to grow a f-ing pair. And tell it like it is. These are terrorist. That have declared f-ing war on my brother. (White police officers) enough is enough."

The author was Skylar Dore, Jonesville's white chief of police.

The post instantly cleaved the community in two. Many black residents, who make up 70 per cent of Jonesville, saw it as a racist rant. Some whites defended Dore, saying he had the right to speak his mind. Two days later, the majority-black town council fired the young chief.

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